Innovative Sustainable Environment Education


Anamur Vakıfbank Atatürk Secondary School is a state school in Anamur, Mersin. It is a secondary school with two disabled classes and two kindergarten classes with 970 students between 5-15 ages, 64 teachers and 4 principals. Students are from countryside, middle class or city centre. Our school is located in a disadvantaged area. It takes five hours from Anamur the nearest cities. We organize the school according to SWOT Analysis and our school is registered in UNESCO ASPnet and UNESCO GREEN CiTIZENS network.

Our school has 36 classrooms, 1 laboratory, 1 computer class, 2 design workshops, 1 canteen, 1 dining hall, 3 playgrounds. Interactive boards and internet access are available in all of our classes as part of the Fatih (movement to increase opportunities and improve technology) project.

Since 2011, eTwinning projects have been carried out at our school and many national and European quality labels have been obtained. Our school received the European Grand Prize in the 12-15 age category with the 'Time Capsule 2014-2016' project in 2016. And we received the eTwinning School Label in 2018-2019.

In addition to the social clubs of the Ministry of Education, eTwinning and UNESCO club activities are carried out in our school to increase students' awareness of social issues. Our institution is a school that makes a difference in its region with its music, folk dances, sports and environmental projects.

Our teachers are eager to develop their knowledge and skills on face-to-face and distance education, both in the teaching profession, and on current issues and special areas.

Our students, who have obtained many successes in scientific, cultural and sports competitions, have been examples for local schools in our environment in social sphere and social issues.

UNESCOASPNet project

Erasmus. 1


Innovative Sustainable European Eco Friendship via ICT

 Coordinator: Hungaria. 

Partners:  Turkey, Poland, Spain, Italy

Erasmu. 2


Together for a Green Future

Coordinator: Romanya, 

Partners: Turkey, Italy, Hungaria, Serbia, Estonia

Project Goal

'ISEE -Innovative Sustainable Environment Education' project, UNESCO ASPNet and UNESCO GREEN CiTIZENS network member Anamur Vakıfbank Atatürk Secondary School, increasing environmental awareness of students, teachers and parents, Raising awareness of carbon footprint, recycling, reuse, consumption, saving, awareness of endemic creatures and endemic plants , flora and fauna to spread the UNESCO mission from the local to the general, and to contribute to the achievement of the UNESCO 2030 Sustainable Development Goals with the activities to be carried out.

Our project has been prepared within the scope of UNESCO Sustainable Development 2030 Goals and our activities are Strategic Target 4.5-4.7-4a-4c, 5.1-5b-5c, 6.1-6.3-6.4-6.6-6a, 7.1-7a, 8.2, 11.4-11.6-11b, 12.2 -12.5, 13.1- 13.2-13.3-13.4, 14.1, 15.4- 15.5-15.7.

More information:  Unesco website